Saturday, June 27, 2009

Week One: pomo conversations

Prompt: what struck you as interesting and/or significant in Berube's essay?


  1. In Public Access, Berube opens an interesting debate about the legitimacy of postmodernism. Where pomo once confused the “uncomprehending masses” (596), it has now infiltrated mainstream culture to the point where Berube questions whether there is a difference between pomo and mainstream texts (597). If it is true that they are becoming indistinguishable, Berube is right to point out that “. . . the suspicion remains that pomo will dissolve all possibility for political resistance in a bubbling vat of textuality and ironic self-parody” (589). This quotation reminds me of the Sprite TV commercial starring Charles Barkley in which he says “Drinking Sprite will not make you rich or famous . . .” as cartoon dollar signs and pots of gold flash under his image on the screen. The audience is supposed to: feel gratified that we “get” the self-effacing technique, believe that Sprite “gets them” and, subsequently, buy the product. What have we gained but an agreement between mass producer and consumer to acknowledge the rhetoric, but buy into it regardless? Sprite’s approach seems pomo, but the resulting purchase seems an anti-political act. I feel what is unsettling about pomo is that the audience is never fully sure that they get the joke or if the joke is actually on them.

  2. Response to hsteigmann

    I of course wasn't in class the first week and have not yet reviewed this material. And though i intended to read it before reading your post what you have written in it has made me want to even more. The points you made sound as though the piece will be most interesting and invoke some good contemplation. Thank you.
